Thursday, October 11, 2012

Girl Friday Interviews: Help me out?

About to start a new round of Girl Friday interviews! I'd love your help:
  1. Any questions you'd love to see answered that aren't currently on the interview?
  2. Any questions currently on the interview that are completely pointless and would be better off drowned, burned, or shanked? (Feeling a little violent this morning.)
  3. Do you have anyone you'd like to nominate for an interview? Leave a comment or send me an email...
Also, if you're still with me after nearly 3 months of sharing our inmost fashion secrets and questions, thanks peeps. Thanks for continuing to read.


  1. Do you read The Sartorialist? He's got some really great interviews on there and you might want to steal from his questions.

    You should interview 1) guys, and 2) Abbi Sherer.

    1. I have followed The Sartorialist in the past - I love his work. But I haven't paid attention to the interviews. I'll take a look! Thanks for the tip.

      Abbi Sherer is a great idea. I love that girl. Guys... are harder. If I come across a guy whose style is noteworthy enough, I will consider it!

  2. Interview Mindy H. Also, in general, some what NOT to do with certain pieces is good. Some of us need rules, because we're too clueless to put together an actual outfit without texting their friend a million times... maybe that's me, maybe not...

  3. maybe this for an interview question: "what are a few of the your clothing staples?"
    (might be too redundant with "what is your favorite article of clothing?" seems like it could get a different answer though?) :)

    1. Good idea... I think that's kind of what I meant by the "favorite piece of clothing" question, but I should probably re-word it. Thanks Hannah!!
