Thursday, August 9, 2012

Progress Report

To be honest, I'm still feeling muddled as I blog. But I don't want to stop, especially because I'm gaining traction and honing in on what I want to do with this little corner of the interwebs as I write and delete and post and retract. It's all helping me narrow my focus down, even though that means I'm toying with your emotions, leading you on wild goose chases, and probably making you toss and turn at night as you try to figure out just what I meant when I posted that thing about the shirt that one time.

My point is. If you're still hanging in there with me, know that I appreciate it.

Are there any type of posts in the very short week that I've been doing this that you've particularly liked? I think I know what changes I'm going to make, but if something is working for you readers, I want to know. If you have a second and are feeling loquacious, drop me a line!

Meanwhile... I'm going to keep thinking it all through and probs go make some chocolate chip cookies as I ponder.


  1. I've been enjoying pretty much everything. It's focused enough to give depth, but varied enough to be surprising and fresh.

  2. I like the posts about fashion and where to find good deals! And I love the way you write!
